© Sven Döring / ddpix

You are the romance!

City bet Greifswald against Dresden

Take part in the Greifswald vs Dresden city bet and dress in the style of Romanticism to celebrate the 250th birthday of Caspar David Friedrich together with many other people! Look forward to an entertaining stage programme and the chance to win great prizes such as tickets to the SemperOperaball 2025.

Your costume can consist of simple items of clothing, hairstyles or accessories, and you are also allowed to make your own. So grab your top hats, strap on your bonnets and get yourself a slice of Caspar's birthday cake, because it's free for everyone in costume!

You can find all the information from Greifswald here.

„Greifswald or Dresden: which city manages to gather the most people dressed in the Romantic style on its market square?”
  • September 5, 2024

  • Neumarkt, Dresden

  • 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM


Look forward to an entertaining stage programme and the chance to win valuable prizes! Join us for an afternoon full of entertainment and fun at Neumarkt. Take the opportunity to win strolling tickets for the SemperOperaball 2025, overnight stays at the Schlosshotel Greifswald and many other attractive prizes.

From 4 p.m. it starts with ...

  • Photo station with mosaic artwork to join in: Create a unique work of art together in the style of the ‘Wanderer above the Sea of Fog’!
  • Costume express and craft station: creativity and fun for young and old.
  • Traditional craft of the milliner: Experience the art of millinery up close

From 5 pm on the stage ...

  • Micha Winkler & his band Jazzlust: Good humour guaranteed!
  • Birthday cake à la Caspar David Friedrich: The artist's favourite cake to try.
  • Live broadcasts with Greifswald: Be there when we share exciting moments.
  • Romantic flower magic - rose christening: a romantic highlight.
  • Romantic dance workshop: an experience to join in.
  • Romantic whispers: bestselling author Florian Illies in an on-stage discussion with Dr Romy Donath and Dr Holger Birkholz.
  • Salon culture and domestic music in the Romantic era: singing along is fun!

  • Competition: Secure some dreamlike romantic moments.
    • 1 x 2 party tickets for the SemperOperaball 2025
    • 1 x 2 nights in the Schmilka organic and national park refuge
    • 1 x 3 nights in the beautiful Schlosshotel Neetzow near Greifswald
    • 1 rose seminar at Thürmsdorf Castle
    • 5 copies of the bestselling book ‘Magic of Silence’ - signed by the author Florian Illies


How to become part of the city bet

Wear at least two of the following costume elements to be counted in the city bet. The counting will take place between 17:00 and 19:00. Please report to the counting stations during this time, where you will also receive your ticket for the competition.

© Sven Döring (DML-BY)

Ladies & Girls

  • Romantic headgear: bonnet, barge hat or sun hat with the brim pulled down. Held together by a ribbon tied charmingly under the chin. Alternatively, an up-do or a bun.

  • A flowing, long shawl or scarf worn over the shoulders and arms.

  • A floor-length or ankle-length dress or a long skirt.

Men & Boys

  • Romantic headgear: hat, beret or top hat.

  • A distinctive moustache, like the one Caspar David Friedrich wore, either painted on, glued on, real or as a beard wig.

  • A classic waistcoat.

© Sven Döring (DML-BY)

Tips for accessories (optional)

Ladies and girls:

  • Flat shoes or sandals, preferably with ribbons around the ankles
  • Pouch bags
  • fan
  • parasol
  • long white gloves
  • long apron

Gentlemen and little romantics:

  • walking stick
  • a scarf tied as a tie
  • tailcoat
  • white shirt with turned-up collar
  • pocket watch on a chain
  • slouch cap
  • Cap with cap

Do it yourself!

Anything that feels good for you is possible. Described as the ‘new French fashion of naturalness’, the clothing broke with the strict conventions of the Baroque era. White and light-coloured, sometimes transparent fabrics, reminiscent of antique garments, were all the rage. The waist sat high, often emphasised with a belt, and underlined the desire to show as much skin as possible. Let's win the bet together!

It's not that difficult to recreate the clothes of romance with just a few items of clothing and accessories. Meriam and Leonhard from Dresden show that this is great fun and fits in perfectly with the present day.

Questions about bet & outfit?

Feel free to contact me!

Here you can find information flyers and posters about the city bet: Mediaserver - City bet materials.

© Sebastian Weingart

Simone Trommer-Tiedemann

Manager Tourism Marketing and Sustainability, Stakeholder Management for Art, Culture, History, Experience Providers

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